June July - 1979

The verdict - on trial : seven former heads of state ( The Coup d' etat III )

With each day passing, more rumors are circulating, all former heads of states who are found guilty of crimes against the state will be executed by firing squad.

It comes as no surprise, the news are filled with daily reports about public floggings of market women who dare to sell their wares at inflated prices, above the "control price" indicated by the ruling Military.

Everything , everybody is in chaos. No one dares to open their stores, goods are in short supply. The rulers did not reckon with such problems and grab shop owners, force them to open their stores under the watchful eyes of military personnel.

The masses cheer, they get what they want : Items sold at an unrealistic price. For many traders, merchants a disaster, most of the goods are pilfered, others sold on promissory notes, which moneys never to be recovered.

When the trials begin, hundreds of thousands of under-privileged common people are following the events, their day of revenge is drawing nearer.

Although there are moderate factions who do not want the executions to take place, the overwhelming power of the lower ranks in the Army, who had suffered for too long, deprived of basic things in their lives, take over.
The ruling Armed Forces Revolutionary Council cannot but heed to the calls for revenge, without risking to lose support for their actions.

The military rulers know of the international impact on public opinion any death verdict may bring, yet they have almost no choice to influence the outcome, were it not to oppose the lower ranks who helped the Coup plotters to raise to power.

And thus the verdicts are sealed. When the news break after a short week of trial, the public cheering is immense. On the saturday morning the shots ring out on the beach military shooting range, and seven former heads of state fall victim to their own actions.

The voice of the people has spoken. On public radio it is the coup leader who defends his new government 's action.. He is now the people's hero.

And he will be so for the next 20 plus years to come. Days after the public executions, further rumors go round. One head of state in particular, his name starting with "A...", apparently (his spirit) was seen moving about in his hometown.

Another one avoided the bullets by flying away from the scene. The belief in the supernatural is strong in this part of the world. (No such story was ever confirmed though and rumors die knowingly fast).

Times are dangerous, individuals are investigated, and every member of the public who has a grudge against some body can write anonymous letters to the military who follows up and starts investigating the unlucky fellow.

It is a time of witch hunting, a time of uncertainty. Many innocent people are arrested, sometimes never to return from their captivity. Especially cruel are the interrogations at the old colonial building near the sea, people have been tortured, and flown out by helicopter to be dumped into the sea at night.

We keep a low profile as much as possible, follow our daily routines. Many expatriates leave for other countries, fearing for their safety. Not without reason. For the living a caution, how life can sometimes change quickly.

To the memory of those who lost their lives during the period.....
Next : The transition