Washing detergent why we should look more careful

washing detergent

The KEYWORD HERE IS : DIOXANE 1.4 I won’t mention what is now quiet well known, however I was surprised too. Needless to say we need to be careful about choosing our washing detergent.

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The gut-brain axis refers to the physical and chemical connections between your gut and brain. Millions of nerves and neurons run between your gut and brain. Neurotransmitters and other chemicals produced in your gut also affect your brain. By altering the types of bacteria in your gut, it may be possible to improve your brain… Continue reading bacteria-in-your-mouth-can-find-its-way-to-your-brain

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Clementines: Kennst du ihre Geschichte?


Do you know the history of the Clementine fruit ? Die Clementine stammt ursprünglich aus Algerien und ist eine runde Frucht auf halbem Weg zwischen Mandarine und Orange. Es wird normalerweise roh und in Vierteln gegessen. Es ist eine dieser Früchte, die wir im Winter gerne probieren. Die ab Oktober erhältliche Clementine ist eine Sonnenfrucht,… Continue reading Clementines: Kennst du ihre Geschichte?

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COVID prevention

chinese food

Is there an Alternative tо Vассіnеѕ ? DISCLAIMER : WE DO NOT ADVOCATE NON VACCINATION ( We were vaccinated twice in March and April 2021 against Covid 19 ) Christmas holidays Covid vaccination push, Covid 19, Omikron Dec. 18th attended a wedding we could not avoid. The reception was outdoors on the lawn of a… Continue reading COVID prevention

Categorized as health

How to control b-p- high bloodpressure


Potatoes According to a new study in Nutrients in June 2021, the consumption of baked or boiled potatoes to reduce sodium retention and the systolic blood pressure compared to control diet. The researchers also specify that this vegetable meets about 10% of the daily potassium needs of an adult. Connie Weaver, lead author of the study explains: “Although the focus is… Continue reading How to control b-p- high bloodpressure

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Once upon a time in the west

once upon a time in the west

These widespread practices in the Old West demonstrate how very wild the times were Have you ever wondered what life in the Old West could be like? Then you can forget the clean water and soap and say goodbye to proper medical care. And if the idea of a shared toothbrush turns you off, that’s… Continue reading Once upon a time in the west

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High triglycerides – foods to avoid

vince camuto

Like cholesterol, triglycerides are essential fats for the body to function properly because they are involved in the process of energy production. A high triglyceride level is nevertheless a marker of cardiovascular risk. Triglycerides are lipids (fatty substances). They are formed in the intestine during the digestion and processing of the sugar and alcohol that… Continue reading High triglycerides – foods to avoid

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