How to control b-p- high bloodpressure


Potatoes According to a new study in Nutrients in June 2021, the consumption of baked or boiled potatoes to reduce sodium retention and the systolic blood pressure compared to control diet. The researchers also specify that this vegetable meets about 10% of the daily potassium needs of an adult. Connie Weaver, lead author of the study explains: “Although the focus is… Continue reading How to control b-p- high bloodpressure

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Once upon a time in the west

once upon a time in the west

These widespread practices in the Old West demonstrate how very wild the times were Have you ever wondered what life in the Old West could be like? Then you can forget the clean water and soap and say goodbye to proper medical care. And if the idea of a shared toothbrush turns you off, that’s… Continue reading Once upon a time in the west

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High triglycerides – foods to avoid

vince camuto

Like cholesterol, triglycerides are essential fats for the body to function properly because they are involved in the process of energy production. A high triglyceride level is nevertheless a marker of cardiovascular risk. Triglycerides are lipids (fatty substances). They are formed in the intestine during the digestion and processing of the sugar and alcohol that… Continue reading High triglycerides – foods to avoid

Categorized as health

Is Cadmium found in food ?

brittany map

A study conducted in Northern France shows higher Cadmium levels At the beginning of the year, 57 inhabitants of Tréduder (Côtes-d’Armor) agreed to have their urine analyzed as part of the investigative program “Vert de rage”, broadcast on France 5. The results were positive was presented on September 12, 2020 show this result: Twelve of… Continue reading Is Cadmium found in food ?

Categorized as health


| three drinks bad for your heart | AfricAsiaEuro

Three drinks bad for your heart ( in excess amounts ) Three drinks bad for your heart – They consist of following ( as mentioned below ) Regular consumption of certain drinks can lead to long-term heart disease. To protect your heart, discover those that it is better to limit or avoid on the advice… Continue reading THREE DRINKS AFFECTING YOUR HEART

Categorized as health


  CAUSE AND HARM   We live in an age which has caused our bodies and organisms great harm. Never before have we been subjected to so much junk in our food chain. Much has changed in what we consume in modern times. It seems we aren’t able to cope with the little time we… Continue reading THE CASE OF TINNED FOODS

Categorized as health